Monday, October 13, 2008

Kidney Stones treatment

Home remedy for kidney stones
Kidney Stones treatment using Kidney Beans:

Kidney beans, also known as dried French beans or Rajmah, are regarded as a very effective home remedy for kidney problems, including kidney stones. The method prescribed to prepare the medicine is to remove the beans from inside the pods, then slice the pods and put about sixty grams in four litre of hot water, boiling them slowly for six hours. This liquid should be strained through fine muslin and then allowed to cool for about eight hours. Thereafter the fluid should be poured through another piece of muslin without stirring.A glass of this decoction should be given to the patient every two hours throughout the day for one day and, thereafter, it may be taken several times a week. This decoction would not work if it was more than twenty-four hours old. The pods could be kept for longer periods but once they were boiled, the therapeutic factor would disappear after one day.
Kidney Stones treatment using Basil

Basil has a strengthening effect on the kidneys.In case of kidney stones, one teaspoon each of basil juice and honey should be taken daily for six months. It has been found that stones can be expelled from the urinary tract by this treatment.
Kidney Stones treatment using Celery

Celery is a valuable food for those who are prone to getting stones in the kidneys or gall-bladder. Its regular intake prevents future stone formation.
Kidney Stones treatment using Apple

Apples are useful in kidney stones. In countries where the natural unsweetened cider is a common beverage, cases of stones or calculus are practically absent. The ripe fresh fruit is, however, more valuable.
Kidney Stones treatment using Grapes

Grapes have an exceptional diuretic value on account of their high contents of water and potassium salt. The value of this fruit in kidney troubles is enhanced by its low albumin and sodium chloride content. It is an excellent cure for kidney stones.
Kidney Stones treatment using Pomegranate

The seeds of both sour and sweet pomegranates are useful medicine for kidney stones. A tablespoon of the seeds, ground into a fine paste, can be given along with a cup of horse gram (kulthi) soup to dissolve gravel in kidneys. Two tablespoons of horse gram should be used for preparing the cup of soup.
Kidney Stones treatment using Watermelon

Watermelon contains the highest concentration of water amongst all fruits. It is also rich in potassium salts. It is one of the safest and best diuretics which can be used with beneficial result in kidney stones.
Kidney Stones treatment using Vitamin B 6

Research has shown the remarkable therapeutic success of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine in the treatment of kidney Stones. A daily therapeutic does of 100 to 150 mg of vitamin B6, preferably, combined with other B complex vitamins, should be continued for several months for getting a permanent cure.

Diet for kidney stones
Kidney Stones : Home Remedies suggested by users
Avoid foods like alcoholic beverages; condiments and pickles; certain vegetables like cucumber, radish.

A patient with kidney stones should avoid foods, which irritate the kidneys, to control acidity or alkalinity of the urine. He should also ensure adequate intake of fluids to prevent the urine from becoming concentrated. The foods considered irritants to the kidneys are alcoholic beverages; condiments and pickles; certain vegetables like cucumber, radish, tomato, spinach, rhubarb; those with a strong aroma such as asparagus, onion, beans, cabbage, and cauliflower; meat and gravies; and carbonated waters.
Intake of calcium and phosphates should be restricted

For controlling the formation of calcium phosphate stones, the intake of calcium and phosphates should be restricted. Foods which should be avoided are wholewheat flour, Chickpea, peas, soyabean, beet, spinach, cauliflower, turnips, carrots, almonds, and coconuts. When stones are composed of calcium, magnesium phosphates, and carbonates, the diet should be so regulated as to maintain an acidic urine. On the other hand, the urine should be kept alkaline if oxalate and uric acid stones are being formed. In the latter case, fruits and vegetables should be liberally used, and acid-forming foods should be kept to the minimum necessary for satisfactory nutrition. In case of uric stones, foods with a high purine content such as sweet breads, liver, and kidney should be avoided.
Take a low-protein diet and have liberal intake of water

The patient should take a low-protein diet, restricting protein to one gram per kilogram of food. A liberal intake of fluid upto three litres or more daily is essential to prevent the precipitation of salt into the form of stones.

Treatment for Dandruff

Home Remedies for Dandruff
Dandruff home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Dandruff treatment using Fenugreek Seeds

The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or acacia concinna.
Dandruff treatment using Lime

The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff treatment using Green Gram Powder

A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green gram powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.
Dandruff treatment using Beet

Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night. White beet is better for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Snake Gourd

The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Other Remedies

Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with indian gooseberry juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool inbetween shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.

Dietaries for Dandruff
Dandruff : Home Remedies suggested by users
All-fruit diet with three meala a day of juicy fruits

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of dandruff. To begin with, the patient should resort to an all-fruit diet for about five days and take three meals a day of juicy fruits.
Avoid citrus fruits, bananas, tinned fruits

Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed, or tinned fruits should not be taken.
Well-balanced diet

After the all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Further short periods of an all-fruit diet for three days or so may be necessary at monthly intervals till the skin's condition improves.
Avoid strong tea/coffee, pickles, refined and processed foods

Meats, sugar, white flour, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should all be avoided.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

.NET Framework

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software technology that is available with several Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a large library of pre-coded solutions to common programming problems, a runtime or virtual machine that manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework, and a set of tools for configuring and building applications. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.

The pre-coded solutions that form the framework's Base Class Library cover a large range of programming needs in a number of areas, including user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications. The class library is used by programmers who combine it with their own code to produce applications.

Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software environment that manages the program's runtime requirements. Also part of the .NET Framework, this runtime environment is known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides the appearance of an application virtual machine so that programmers need not consider the capabilities of the specific CPU that will execute the program. The CLR also provides other important services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR together compose the .NET Framework.

The .NET Framework is included with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. The current version of the framework can also be installed on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of operating systems.[2] A reduced "Compact" version of the .NET Framework also available on Windows Mobile platforms, including Smartphones.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Technical terms 1

TCP-Transfer control protocol
UDP-User datagram protocol
USB-Universal serial bus
WiFi-wireless fidelity
CD-Compact disc

Deleting files from recent documents

1.right click on the task bar and click properties
2.Click the Start menu tab nd click the customize button.
3.Click advanced tab in that where you can find a button clear list
4.Click that button to clear the files from recent documents
5.Even you can remove recent documents by unchecking 'list my most recently opened document which is left to the 'clear list'button.
6.If you have any trouble drop your doubt in comment

Software testing

o Unit Testing
o System Testing
o Integration Testing
o Acceptance Testing


This is the first level of testing. The different modules are tested against the specifications produced during the integration. This is done to test the internal logic of each module. Those resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided.

The input received and output generated is also tested to see whether it falls in the expected range of values. Unit testing is performed from the bottom up, starting with the smallest and lowest modules and proceeding one at a time.

The units in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform a specific function. The programs are tested for correctness of logic applied and detection of errors in coding. Each of the modules was tested and errors are rectified. They were then found to function properly.


The integration of each module in the system is checked during this level of testing. The objective of system testing is to check if the software meets its requirements.

System testing is done to uncover errors that were not found in earlier tests. This includes forced system failures and validation of total system as the user in the operational environment implements it. Under this testing, low volumes of transactions are generally based on live data. This volume is increased until the maximum level for each transactions type is reached. The total system is also tested for recovery after various major failures to ensure that no data are lost during the breakdown.


In integration testing, the tested modules are combined into sub-systems, which are then tested. The goal of integration testing to check whether the modules can be integrated properly emphasizing on the interfaces between modules.
The different modules were linked together and integration testing done on them.


The objective of the acceptance test is to tell the user about the validity and reliability of the system. It verifies whether the system operates as specified and the integrity of important data is maintained. User motivation is very important for the successful performance of the system.

All the modules were tested individually using both test data and live data. After each module was ascertained that it was working correctly and it had been "integrated" with the system. Again the system was tested as a whole. We hold the system tested with different types of users. The System Design, Data Flow Diagrams, procedures etc. were well documented so that the system can be easily maintained and upgraded by any computer professional at a later

Acceptance testing is done with live data provided by the client to ensure that the software works satisfactorily. This test focuses on the external behavior of the system. Data was entered and acceptance testing was performed.


Without going into detail about the history, let's just say neural networks were invented in the sixties by mathematicians (back in those days, computer scientists were often mathematicians; my how things have changed) looking for ways to model processing in the human brain at the lowest level. They took what they knew about a human neuron as a model for creating an electronic neuron.
3.2.1 The Neuron
These researchers started by boiling down to how they viewed a neuron as working in light of existing knowledge. A neuron, they said, may have many inputs ("dendrites") that a hooked into the single output ("axon") of another neuron. Signals received by some dendrites would tend to activate the neuron, while signals on others would tend to suppress activation
*Pattern Matching
Here is where a lot of introductions stop short. Let me explain what it means for one of these neurons to "know" something before explaining how they work in concert with other such neurons.
The goal of a neuron of this sort is to fire when it recognizes a known pattern of inputs. Let's say for example that the inputs come from a black and white image 10 x 10 pixels in size. That would mean we have 100 input values. For each pixel that is white, we'll say the input on its corresponding dendrite has a value of -1. Conversely, for each black pixel, we have a value of 1. Let's say our goal is to get this neuron to fire when it sees a letter "A" in the image, but not when it sees any other pattern. Figure 3 below illustrates this:
"Firing" occurs when the output is above some threshold. We could choose 0 as the threshold, but in my program, I found 0.5 is a good threshold. Remember; our only output (axon) for this neuron is always going to have a value between -1 and 1. The key to getting our neuron to recognize an "A" in the picture is to set the weights on each dendrite so that each of the input-times-weight values will be positive. So if one dendrite (for a pixel) is expecting to match white (-1), its weight should be -1. Then, when it sees white, it will contribute -1 * -1 = 1 to the sum of all inputs. Conversely, when a dendrite is expecting to match black (1), its weight should be 1. Then, its contribution when it sees black will be 1 * 1 = 1. So if the input image is exactly like the archetype our single neuron has of the letter "A" built into its dendrite weights, the sum will be exactly 100, the highest possible sum for 100 inputs. Using our "sigma" function, this reduces to an output of 1, the highest possible output value, and a sure indication that the image is of an A.
Now let’s say one of the input pixels was inverted from black to white or vice-versa. That pixel's dendrite would contribute a -1 to the sum, yielding 98 instead of 100. The resulting output would be just a little under 1. In fact, each additional "wrong" pixel color will reduce the sum and hence the output.
If 50% of the pixels were "wrong" - not matching what the dendrites say they are expecting as input - the sum would be exactly 0 and hence the output would be 0. Conversely, if the entire image of the "A" were inverted, 100% of them would be wrong, the sum would be -100, and the output would be -1. Since 0 and -1 are obviously below our threshold of 0.5, we would say this neuron does not "fire" in these cases.
The most important lesson to take away from this simple illustration is that knowledge is encoded in the weights on the dendrites. The second most important lesson is that the output of this sort of thinking is "fuzzy". That is, our neuron compares input patterns and generates variable outputs that are higher the closer the inputs are to its archetypical pattern. So while there are definitive "match" (1) and "non-match" (-1) outputs, there is a whole range in between of somewhat matching.

Methodology for epilepsy detection

o Measures signal complexity
o EEG with low entropy is due to a small number of dominating processes
o EEG with high entropy is due to a large number of processes
o Relatively simple measure of complexity and system regularity
o Quantifies the predictability of subsequent amplitude values of the EEG based on the knowledge of previous amplitude values
o As a relative measure depends on three parameters
 The length of the epoch
 The length of the compared runs
 The filtering level
o Approximate entropy and Shannon entropy are two entirely different measures
o Approximate entropy measures the predictability of future amplitude values of the EEG based on the one or two previous amplitude values
o Increasing anesthetic concentrations are associated with increasing EEG pattern regularity
o EEG approximate entropy decreases with increasing anesthetic concentration
o At high doses of anesthetics, periods of EEG silence with intermittent bursts of high frequencies occur
o For example median EEG frequency method fail to characterize concentrations because of these bursts
o Brain’s EEG approximation Entropy value is a good candidate for characterizing different extents of cerebral ischemic injury.
 First, in the early stage of ischemia, the EEGs’ approximate entropy difference between ischemic region and normal region increase.
 Second, after ischemia 18 minutes, the approximate entropy of ischemic region become lower than that before ischemia (normal state), which may indicate an emergent injury being induced.
 Last, the approximate entropy of ischemic region (left brain) is lower than that of normal region (right brain).

History of epilepsy detection

Approximately 1% of the people in the world suffer from epilepsy. The electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is used for the purpose of the epileptic detection as it is a condition related to the brain’s electrical activity. Epilepsy is characterized by the occurrence of recurrent seizures in the EEG signal. In majority of the cases, the onset of the seizures cannot be predicted in a short period, a continuous recording of the EEG is required to detect epilepsy. A common form of recording used for this purpose is an ambulatory recording that contains EEG data for a very long duration of even up to one week.

It involves an expert’s efforts in analyzing the entire length of the EEG recordings to detect traces of epilepsy. As the traditional methods of analysis are tedious and time-consuming, many automated epileptic EEG detection systems have been developed in recent years.

With the advent of technology, it is possible to store and process the EEG data digitally. The digital EEG data can be fed to an automated seizure detection system in order to detect the seizures present in the EEG data. Hence, the neurologist can treat more patients in a given time as the time taken to review the EEG data is reduced considerably due to automation. Automated diagnostic systems for epilepsy have been developed using different approaches.

This paper discusses an automated epileptic EEG detection system using two different neural networks, namely, Elman network and probabilistic neural network using a time-domain feature of the EEG signal called approximate entropy that reflects the nonlinear dynamics of the brain activity. ApEn is a recently formulated statistical parameter to quantify the regularity of a time series data of physiological signals.

It was first proposed by Pincus in 1991 and has been predominantly used in the analysis of the heart rate variability and endocrine hormone release pulsatility, estimation of regularity in epileptic seizure time series data, and in the estimation of the depth of anesthesia.

Diambra et al. have shown that the value of the ApEn drops abruptly due to the synchronous discharge of large groups of neurons during an epileptic activity. Hence, it is a good feature to make use of in the automated detection of epilepsy. In this paper, this feature is applied, for the first time, in the automated detection of epilepsy using neural networks.

Kana kanum kalangal

Download 1-20 episodes here

kana 1kana 11
kana 2kana 12
kana 3kana 13
kana 4kana 14
kana 5kana 15
kana 6kana 16
kana 7kana 17
kana 8kana 18
kana 9kana 19
kana 10kana 20

Epilepsy detection Using Artificial Neural Networks

The electroencephalogram (EEG) signal plays an important role in the diagnosis of epilepsy. The EEG recordings of the ambulatory recording systems generate very lengthy data and the detection of the epileptic activity requires a time-consuming analysis of the entire length of the EEG data by an expert. The traditional methods of analysis being tedious, many automated diagnostic systems for epilepsy has emerged in recent years. This paper proposes a neural-network-based automated epileptic EEG detection system that uses approximate entropy (ApEn) as the input feature. ApEn is a statistical parameter that measures the predictability of the current amplitude values of a physiological signal based on its previous amplitude values. It is known that the value of the ApEn drops sharply during an epileptic seizure and this fact is used in the proposed system. Two different types of neural networks, namely, Elman and probabilistic neural networks are considered. ApEn is used for the first time in the proposed system for the detection of epilepsy using neural networks. It is shown that the overall accuracy values as high as 100% can be achieved by using the proposed system.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kana kanum Kalangal twist

This story is based on school life and thier friendship.Nowdays its going very interesting as pachai came to know that his friend lied him by saying raghavi is loving him.As he got frustration he is trying to commit suicide but fortunately he was saved by someone and taken to tripathi.The unfortunate thing is pachai mother is serious as her son is missing,now she is no more
Will pachai will be forgiven by his father?
will his friends will againg accept him as best friend?as he was responsible for his mother's death

Fastest Chip Ever

It is Capable of processing 1 trillion calculations per second, it was the latest innovation by Intel's latest test chip, which can be used commercially,and i am sure that it will revolutionize computing. The massive processing power each chip would provide will dramatically change the way consumers and businesses work and play. Financial analysis that takes days to perform in back offices could be done in seconds at a trader's terminal on Wall Street. Real-time physics calculations could let consumers create on-the-fly games that make even the cutting-edge motion-control techniques in Nintendo's Wii game console seem like child's play.

Analysts say the Intel announcement signals chipmakers are on the right track. "This is putting the proof-point out there that their road maps are on the right track," says Jim McGregor, principal analyst at researcher In-Stat. The main stumbling block to widespread acceptance of such chips, however, is the difficulty in writing software to take advantage of multiple cores. Even as Intel and AMD race to deliver quad-core chips in the next few months, software developers continue to struggle to write threaded applications to take advantage of just two cores. Intel's Rattner suggests the chipmaker made the announcement of the new chip early to get software developers thinking about massively multicore chips. "If we just go two, four, eight cores, we'll never get there ," he says.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sania Mirza planing to leave India?

I don't think I am at that stage in my head where I would leave the country. It has given me whatever I have. But I might perhaps get another base, though I want India as my solid base as it has given me a lot,' Sania was quoted by 'The Gulf Times' as saying after her disappointing outing at the Qatar Total Open Tuesday.
sania, who dropped three places to 32nd spot in the world rankings, has been hounded by series off-court controversies, ranging from showing disrespect to the Tricolour to her recent pul out from the WTA Bangalore Open.
After the controversy surrounding the resting of her bare feet near the national flag during the Hopman Cup in Perth, she was again in news for wrong reasons when she announced that on her manager's advise she has decided to skip the next month's WTA Bangalore Open to evade off-court issues.
Sania also said it has now become imperative for her to learn how to deal with controversies, as she feels there would be no end to such issues.
'I don't know whether there can be any control over it (controversies). It doesn't matter what I think. 'I don't know if it would end; if it's going to go on, I have to deal with it. If it ends early, its good,' she said.

IPL a billion dollar deal

Indian premier league(IPL) was started against the indian cricket league(ICL).This was created by BCCI.IPL will conduct matches for 3-4 weeks in t20 format.I think 10 teams are playing and each team is owned by a group or individual.The owner has to bid and pay the price to get that team.Today all the ten teams bid to buy players and this is open to all international players.The players purchased by the Indian Premier League's eight franchises at an auction today are

1. Mahendra Dhoni (India) $1.5m to Chennai

2. Andrew Symonds (Australia) $1.35m to Hyderabad

3. Sanath Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka) $975,000 to Mumbai

4. Ishant Sharma (India) $950,000 to Kolkata

5. Irfan Pathan (India) $925,000 to Mohali

6. Brett Lee (Australia) $900,000 to Mohali

6. Jacques Kallis (South Africa) $900,000 to Bangalore

8. RP Singh (India) $875,000 to Hyderabad

9. Harbhajan Singh (India) $850,000 to Mumbai

10. Chris Gayle (West Indies) $800,000 to Kolkata

10. Robin Uthappa (India) $800,000 to Mumbai

12. Rohit Sharma (India) $750,000 to Hyderabad

13. Gautam Gambhir (India) $725,000 to Delhi

14. Brendon McCullum (New Zealand) $700,000 to Kolkata

15. Kumar Sangakkara (Sri Lanka) $700,000 to Mohali

16. Adam Gilchrist (Australia) $700,000 to Hyderabad

17. Shahid Afridi (Pakistan) $675,000 to Hyderabad

18. Jacob Oram (New Zealand) $675,000 to Chennai

19. Albie Morkel (South Africa) $675,000 to Chennai

20. Mohammad Kaif (India) $675,000 to Jaipur

21. Manoj Tiwary (India) $675,000 to Delhi

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Six Sixes by Yuvraj in Twenty20

Dhoni relieved as Yuvraj rediscovers his form

India one-dayer captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni seemed a relieved man after his deputy Yuvraj Singh returned to form with a hurricane 76, and said the left-hander's consistency is an important aspect in building the young team.

Yuvraj, who was going through a rough patch in the series Down Under, finally showed his prowess, blasting 76 off 70 deliveries and played a crucial role in India's close win against Sri Lanka by two wickets.

"Credit to Yuvraj for the way he batted today. He was remarkable and he dominated the innings. That's what the team looks up to from him. We wanted him to score runs and that's what he did in the important match," Dhoni said after the match.

"It is always exciting to see Yuvraj score. And as a team member we enjoy his batting. That's what we need to do as a team, enjoy each other's success."

Dhoni credited his bowlers for restricting Sri Lanka to 238 because at one point they were cruising along and threatened to pile up 250-plus score.

"They had the momentum and at one moment it looked as if they would score over 250. The bowlers did well to restrict them to 238."

Asked what exactly was going in his mind after India lost some quick wickets towards the end, which left the match equally poised, Dhoni said that he told his lower-order to see through the fiery Lasith Malinga.

"When Irfan was there, we are in with a chance but after he got out, we had a problem. I knew that Malinga is going to bowl yorkers. So I told Ishant, 'don't lift your bat, know matter whatever happens'. I can come back and score those remaining runs," the skipper said.

Dhoni, who completed the run-chase with a half-century that did not include a single boundary, said that he had to adapt according to the situation of the match.

"When you take those cheeky singles or doubles, it is very teasing to the fielders. It is more interesting than hitting boundaries. I needed to bat according to the situation and Yuvraj had done all the hitting, I had to stay in there and stay till the end," he said.

India's hero in the match, Yuvraj said he went out to the crease against the Lankans with a positive frame of mind and was eager to play his shots.

"I hit few balls from the middle of the bat and hit some favourite shots at the start which gave me confidence. I was ver positive today. In the last game I was playing well but the run rate was going up with wickets falling, so today I thought we need to maintain the scoring rate," he said.

Courtesy:Hindustan times

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mayiladuthurai-a holy place

This town is located in Thanjavur area on the banks of river Cauvery. Mayiladuthurai is a well known railway junction and it is well-connected with other major towns.

Sponsored review -a boon to bloggers

It is bridge connecting advertisers and quality bloggers.initially you have submit your blog for approval and if it gets approved you can earn from $10 to $1000 or even more based on certain criteria.Your blog must be 3 months old with atleast unique 10 posts with 200 words.Your earning per review will be based on google page rank,alexa ranking,traffic,inbound links and good content.If you meet this criteria ,then apply for sponsor review and start earning by writing reviews on products,websites etc.sponsor review is the only one which allows you to select advertisers relevant to your site.

world's first Aqua car

This is the world's first real car to drive both on land and underwater, with some cutting-edge technology. The car has a steel chassis, while its lightweight body panels are made of carbon nanotubes.

An electric motor provides rear-wheel helps to drive on roads. In underwater, two propellers in the stern and two jet drives in the bow propel the "amphibious" vehicle. With zero emissions, the design is even environmentally friendly, eliminating any pollution into the sea.

The two-seater also includes a self-contained on-board oxygen system to supply the driver and passenger with fresh air for breathing.
Driver and passenger obtain fresh breathing air via 1 x 15 liter and 1 x 18 liter ScubaPro air supplies in a self-contained on-board system and back on dry land the sQuba is designed to drive itself autonomously at the push of a button.

To be unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in March, 2008, the rear-wheel drive sQuba is powered by an electric motor putting out 37 kW at 4,500 /min with torque of 160 NM at 1,500 /min according to the the specs released to date by Rinspeed. The rear jet drives for underwater cruising rely on two seperate 3.6 kW Rotinor (a name behind Seabob) electric engines and the body panels of the 920kg two-seater are made from carbon nano tubes with a steel chassis unde

The sQuba's top speed on land is about 77 mph, but it slows down to 3 mph on the surface of the water, and 1.8 mph underwater.
This aqua car was inspired by "world in not enough"

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Video - Yuvraj vs Australia

Hard disk drive

A hard disk drive (HDD), commonly referred to as a hard drive.The platters are spun at very high speeds. Information is written to a platter as it rotates past devices called read-and-write heads that operate very close over the magnetic surface. The read-and-write head is used to detect and modify the magnetization of the material immediately under it. There is one head for each magnetic platter surface on the spindle, mounted on a common arm. An actuator arm moves the heads on an arc across the platters as they spin, allowing each head to access almost the entire surface of the platter as it spins. The arm is moved using a voice coil actuator or a stepper motor. Stepper motors were outside the head-disk chamber, and preceded voice-coil drives. The latter, for a while, had a structure similar to that of a loudspeaker; the coil and heads moved in a straight line, along a radius of the platters. The present-day structure differs in several respects from that of the earlier voice-coil drives, but the same interaction between the coil and magnetic field still applies.Capacity of a hard disk drive is usually quoted in gigabytesThe data transfer rate at the inner zone ranges from 44.2 MB/s to 74.5 MB/s, while the transfer rate at the outer zone ranges from 74.0 MB/s to 111.4 MB/s. An HDD's random access time ranges from 5 ms to 15 ms.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Make money online without paying

Hi to all
The bloggers and those who own websites can earn online.There are number of ways to earn online and i have listed a few
sponsor review

If you own a blog and it is 3 months old with unique content ,then you are eligible for applying.Just sign up using above links,then submit your blog for approval and earn upto 3000$ per month.The one thing is that you should update your blog regularly to earn more and if your blog has page rank,then it is an added advantage

Real estate

The term "real estate" refers to the land and fixtures together, as distinguished from "real property," referring to ownership rights of the land itself.The real estate is booming industry in india,especially chennai.The appreciation you get by buying a land is 5times the cost price.Only thing is money and the right place to invest,the lands which are near to major ongoing projects will definetely help you
If you are intersested in buying lands in chennai with good aprreciation you can log on to site which has a large database of properties in india.

Police arrest rival leaders in Mumbai for stoking violence

Two rival political leaders in India's financial hub were arrested on Wednesday for stoking violence as part of a battle over "outsiders" thronging the city for jobs, police said.

Raj Thackeray, head of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena party, earlier this month allegedly encouraged supporters to attack migrants from north India who are said to have taken jobs from people native to Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai is the capital.

Also arrested was Abu Azmi, a leader from the Samajwadi party, which has its base in northern Uttar Pradesh, India's largest state.

Both leaders were granted bail by a local court late Wednesday.

The arrests raised fears that riots could break out as reports came in that crowds were stoning buses in some towns in the state.

One man died in Nashik city, a Thackeray stronghold, some 180 kilometres (110 miles) northeast of Mumbai, after the bus he was travelling in was pelted with stones, a police official confirmed.

India's financial capital remained calm but many commuters rushed home early.

Earlier this month, workers such as taxi drivers were attacked by Sena activists who hurled stones. Several movie-goers watching films in the north Indian language of Bhojpuri were also injured in attacks.

Thackeray and Azmi have traded barbs over the violence after the Sena party asked migrants to respect Maharashtra culture or leave.

Officials in Maharashtra, ruled by the Congress Party, which heads the federal coalition government, met Wednesday to review security and called for additional forces from the central government.

Mumbai, a city of around 18 million that is also the country's entertainment capital, has witnessed severe religious and political riots several times in the past two decades.

The violence dates from the early 1990s when the Hindu nationalist party Shiv Sena led by Bal Thackeray, Raj's uncle, began attacks on migrants.

The party later eased its tactics targeting immigrants, but Raj Thackeray broke from Shiv Sena in 2005 and has raised the issue again.

State assembly elections are due in late 2009 in which northern Indian political parties are expected to run a large number of candidates.

diamond- a symbol of love

Diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice.Approximately 26,000 kgs are mined annually, with a total value of nearly USD $9 billion.The diamonds are considered as best friend for girls,as all the men who are in love will be prepared to propose to thier beloved ones.Diamond speaks more than words.Gift your girlfriend a diamond ring and then propose.Your love will definetely succeed,as valentine's day celebrations are round the corner ,if your married then you can gift your wife with diamond pendant.If your very busy and don't have time,then order through internet using online transaction account.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pc games

I am a game freak and i will download games whenever it is release into the market.But nowadays it is hard to find free downloadable games.The best game i came across is "RISE OF NATIONS"which is a old game from microsoft.This game is similar to age of empires,but only difference is graphics and technology.In this game you can reach till modern age which supports nuclear missile,anti aircraft gun,aircraft carrier,submarine,destroyer,infants etc.The gathering of resources is improved in corresponding to the latest techniques.The country which controls more than 70% territory
has won the game by coquest.The other mode of winning the game are wonder points,it is awarded based on how many wonder you construct on your territory and the other one by re-taking the enemy's capital by conquering using army and other forces.This game is very famous among youngsters.The new resources include oil,which is basic resource and the other one is rare resource.The rare resources are likecoal,diamond,tobacco,fish,gems ,
salt,uranium etc..each resource has a unique feature which makes your society more powerfull.The other important feature is forts,which are very defensive when they are constucted nearer to the enemy territory and also they can train generals and spy.
The general is to make troops efficient and spy is to bribe the enemies.A nice game for time pass.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

T-shirts a passion

A T-shirt is a shirt, usually buttonless, collarless, and pocketless, with a round neck and mostly but not necessarily short sleeves.T-shirts have also become a medium for self-expression and advertising, with any imaginable combination of words, art and even photographs on display.T-shirts with prominent designer-name logos have been popular, especially with teenagers and young adults. These garments allowed consumers to flaunt their taste in designer brands in an inexpensive way.T-shirt exchange is an activity where people trade their tshirts they are wearing. Some designs specifically write on the shirt "trade with me"
In the early 1950s several companies based in Miami, Florida, started to decorate tee shirts with different resort names and various characters. The first company was Tropix Togs, under founder Sam Kantor, in Miami. They were the original licensee for Walt Disney characters that included Mickey Mouse and Davey Crockett. Later other companies expanded into the tee shirt printing business that included Sherry Manufacturing Company also based in Miami. Sherry started in 1948 by its owner and founder Quinton Sandler as a screen print scarf business and evolved into one of the largest screen printed resort and licensed apparel companies in the United States.
The most common form of commercial t-shirt decoration is screen-printing. In screen-printing, a design is separated into individual colors. Plastisol or water based inks are applied to the shirt through mesh screens which limits the areas where ink is deposited. In most commercial T-shirt printing, the specific colors in the design are used. To achieve a wider color spectrum with a limited number of colors, process printing (using only cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink) or simulated process (using only white, black, red, green, blue, and gold ink) is effective. Process printing is best suited for light colored shirts. Simulated process is best suited for dark colored shirts.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

ANNS in Brain Signal Process

1. Feature extraction, classification, and pattern recognition: ANNs here serve mainly as non-linear classifiers. The inputs are preprocessed so as to form a feature space. ANNs are used to categorize the collected data into distinct classes. In other cases, inputs are not subjected to preprocessing but are given directly to an ANN to extract features of interest from the data.

2. Adaptive filtering and control: ANNs here operate within closed loop systems to process changing inputs, adapting their weights “on the fly” to filter out unwanted parts of the input (adaptive filtering), or mapping their outputs to parameters used in online control (adaptive control).

3. Linear or nonlinear mapping: Here ANNs are used to transform inputs to outputs of a desired form. For example, an ANN might remap its rectangular input data coordinates to circular or more general coordinate systems.

4. Modeling: ANNs can be thought of as function generators that generate an output data series based on a learned function or data model. ANNs with two layers of trainable weights have been proven capable of approximating any nonlinear function.

5. Signal separation and deconvolution: These ANNs separate their input signals into the weighted sum or convolution of a number of underlying sources using assumptions about the nature of the sources or of their interrelationships (e.g., their independence).

6. Texture analysis and image segmentation: Image texture analysis is becoming increasingly important in image segmentation, recognition and understanding. ANNs are being used to learn spatial or spatial-frequency texture features and, accordingly, to categorize images or to separate an image into sub images (image segmentation).

7. Edge detection: In an image, an edge or boundary between two objects can be mapped to a dark band between two lighter areas (objects). By using the properties of intensity discontinuity, ANNs can be trained to “recognize” these dark bands as edges, or can learn to "draw" such edges based on contrast and other information.